Sunday, October 31, 2010


It's with great regret but this might be my last posting for some time to come.  I was hoping to share more of my life experiences but because the IRS deemed it necessary to take all my money without the benefit of an extension and umemployment I'm off to I don't know where at this time.  All I know is that I'll be on the streets with Ellie somewhere this time tomorrow.

It's like the movie "Paint Your Wagon" with Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin.  "Where am I going? I don't know."  "Where am I headin? I ain't certain." "All I know is I am on my way!"
"But who gives a damn, who gives a damn I'm on my way!" Seems like appropriate lines at this time.

             THANKS AGAIN IRS

The best to all and I hope that one day I will be able to continue on with my experiences.

Signing off,
God bless and God speed

1 comment:

  1. Try to get on if you can. you have ads on this site galore, more Blogspot sites don't, who's getting the ad revenue? Should be a few hundred a month. Look into that.

    Adjusting to living off the financial/Big Brother grid is not easy. Wait until the first time they cut off your food stamps, just to make sure you really need them. They will do this and you'll have to fight like hell to get 'em back, if you can.

    You're good at quoting Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin, why not try fighting like they, or at least their characters, did?

    You know medical devices, is there any way you can get something going with that knowledge?

    Can you do magic tricks? Strum a guitar? Go around with some paint and paint house numbers on the curb for people? Wash cars? Collect cans?

    When I lost everything, to make a long story short, I taught myself caricature drawing and was gonna live on that. Well, boy do people in my home state of California not care about caricature drawing. Seems it's played out. Rather than give up and lose everything, I told myself I was just gonna panhandle until I got something better going. And I did. I pretended I was some kinda Studs Terkel out for the real truth about the state of America's spare change. I was the politest panhandler you ever met. And after 4 months I didn't have to do it. But I sure as hell didn't have to end up wrapped in rags and shoeless, in the park, to realize it was time to start fighting.
